Youth age out of the Foster Care System at 18 years old and generally have little to no skills to be able to survive on their own. These youth have been bounced from Foster Care Home To Foster Care Home and in most cases have severe PTSD and detachment issues. In most cases these youth have not been given or taught the necessary life skills to survive on their own but are told to fend for themselves as soon as they turn 18. Some youth are on their own because they were abused at home or in a foster care home or because their parent or foster care parent was addicted. Some struggle with substance abuse or mental health issues themselves.
While the majority of homeless youth have been sexually exploited, young blacks, Hispanics and transgender youth are even more likely to face exploitation or violence. About 25% of former Foster Care Youth experience homelessness within 4 years of leaving the system. In 2012, only 48% of male former foster care youth were employed.
While the majority of homeless youth have been sexually exploited, young blacks, Hispanics and transgender youth are even more likely to face exploitation or violence. About 25% of former Foster Care Youth experience homelessness within 4 years of leaving the system. In 2012, only 48% of male former foster care youth were employed. How can you help? Donate so we can train these youth basic life and Job skills to help them live a productive and stable life and become an integral part of our communities. Donate time to be a mentor to help teach these skills to these youth. Call 239-689-4944 for more information.