AHF serves low and moderate-income homebuyers, homeowners, and tenants.
Our mission is to help people achieve stable lives in healthy, safe and affordable homes.
September 9, 2018| | ahfi_admin
Our mission is to help people achieve stable lives in healthy, safe and affordable homes.
Last modified: September 30, 2021
Call 239-689-4944
5264 Clayton Ct., Suite 1 239-689-4944
Affordable Homeownership Foundation Inc. is a HUD accredited non-profit 501(c) 3
AHF is certified as a Community Development Corporation.
Community Development Corporations (CDCs) are nonprofit, community-based organizations focused on revitalizing the areas in which they are located, typically low-income, underserved neighborhoods that have experienced significant disinvestment. While they are most commonly celebrated for developing affordable housing, they are usually involved in a range of initiatives critical to community health.