All people, regardless of income level, have a right to decent, safe, sanitary, and affordable housing.
Mr. Robert Shellman,
Founder of AHF
Affordable Homeownership Foundation Inc was founded in 2000 to provide comprehensive housing counseling, training, advocacy, technical assistance and housing opportunities.
AHF participates in the development, preservation, and management of affordable, program enriched housing in the Fort Myers, Florida region. We acquire and renovate existing housing, as well as develop new affordable rental properties.
AHF is redefining affordable housing by creating a stable foundation where our residents can explore their potential, supported by the many classes and programs we offer.
We are a non-profit 501(c) 3, HUD accredited, organization.
The AHF Mission
Our mission is to help the economically vulnerable veterans, seniors, disabled, youth aging out of foster care and consumers of our region achieve financial literacy, attain homeownership, participate in the American dream, and contribute to more stable, vital neighborhoods. To create this transition we offer advocacy, education, counseling and grant assistance, and work to increase the availability of safe, decent, affordable housing opportunities.
Who We Serve
AHF serves low and moderate-income homebuyers, homeowners, and tenants, to help achieve successful living in healthy, safe and affordable homes.
AHF offers special programs to address the needs of veterans, teachers, and First Responders.
We focus on serving Lee, Charlotte, Collier, and Hendry Counties, Florida.
Classes We Offer
- First Time Home Buyer featuring agency professionals giving invaluable information on how to purchase a home, the pros & cons of homeownership, what you need to know about the loan application process, Your Credit, home inspections and so much more!
- Post- Purchase- How to take care of your home and why that is important to protect your investment
- Financial Capabilities Counseling & Coaching- Have you ever wondered why you don’t have enough money left at the end of the month? Why do you struggle when others don’t? This counseling/coaching teaches goal setting, money management, spending plans and how to save money
- Foreclosure Prevention/Modification Help- So you have fallen behind on your mortgage, now what? We help you with dealing with your lender and go over the options available to you to help save your home.
- Rental Assistance Counseling/Emergency Solutions Grant- Do you have an eviction notice? Is your electric about to be turned off? What’s next, where do you turn? We help you either with direct help or by directing you to the people that can help, and offer case management so you don’t find yourself in this situation again.
- Senior Fraud Prevention- As we age we become more susceptible to fraud. There is always someone out there that will try and take what you have and because you are older they see you as an easy mark. We teach how to be aware of internet and e-mail fraud, how to protect yourself from fraud when there is a disaster and how to make sure you and your assets are protected.
- Disaster Victim Counseling- As Global warming becomes more of our reality Disasters are happening all around us, chances are either you or a family member will be affected by a disaster in some way. How you respond and heal from that disaster is key, understanding how to move past the stress of the actual disaster and repairing and healing after the fact are an integral part of surviving the disaster. Disasters are becoming more prevalent so being prepared is key, we teach clients on how to prepare for any disaster such as Hurricanes, Floods, Fire, Tornado’s and including Active Shooter Training and Anti-Terrorism training.
If you are trying to buy a home and want Down Payment Assistance in LEE County Florida here are 2018 the links to the applications:
SHIP Info Sheet Moderate Income 4.1.18
SHIP Application Moderate Income 6.29.18
SHIP Info Sheet Moderate Income 4.1.18 SPANISH
SHIP Application Moderate Income 6.9.18 Spanish